All tagged angels

Lessons many of us learned in preschool and kindergarten still apply—be nice, share, and show respect for each other. We live in a world that seems to have forgotten these relational basics.

Even the church—the people not the institution—needs some reminders. We need to be reminded of some basics that Jesus often taught.

I've lived near an ocean most of my life—in Southern California, the Visayan region of the Philippines, and now in NE Florida. I'm familiar with the power of currents and tides.

Solid footing, secure moorings, and anchors are needed to prevent a person or a vessel from drifting off. Even where currents are gentle, if a boat isn't tied securely to its mooring it will drift away.

Rivers can be treacherous and even lakes when unexpected squalls kick up. Jesus' disciples knew this from experience. They also learned to not rely upon their own expertise and experience when it came to matters of faith.

Long ago King Solomon declared with a sigh, " There is nothing new under the sun" (Eccl 1:9). Centuries later, William Shakespeare echoed this conclusion.

And yet, change itself seems constant and continual. Sure, new discoveries are made, but these often reveal what already was. New inventions bring change, yet the nature of people hasn't changed, nor the necessities and priorities of daily life.

Continuous changes around us tend to distract us from the one constancy all people rely on more than anyone realizes.

There's been a fascination with angels for a long time. It's no wonder. They're creatures of another dimension.

Books are written about angels and they appear in significant places and times in the Bible (Gen 19:1-13; Dan 8:15-27; Luke 1:26-38).

But not all angels are good. Some exist on the dark side of the universe as enemies to God and those who trust in Him. In spite of all their wondrous appearances, abilities, and qualities, God is greater.