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The Christian faith is not a set of abstract beliefs. A confession of faith is more than words and thoughts written out or spoken.

Genuine Christian faith is anchored in Jesus. Not only what is believed in Him as the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior of the world, but in relationship with Him.

Genuine Christianity is centered on the person of Jesus Christ, not a set of doctrines to be practiced or beliefs to hold. The book of Hebrews makes this very clear.

An important part of counseling at any level, for whatever the need may be, is trust. Often, what builds trust is when we know a person identifies with our situation and knows what we're going through.

Peer counseling in self-help groups, even with Christian fellowship, can be reassuring because of shared experiences in life.

In matters of faith, we also need to have similar assurances. This is an important reason for Jesus, God's Son, becoming human to live among us.

If you've hung around Christian believers much, you've probably heard someone say, "the Lord told me..." or "God spoke to me." You might wonder if they're hearing voices no one else hears, or whether it's possible to personally hear God speak.

Our basic guide for hearing God speak is the Bible and the Holy Spirit.

But there is a time in history when God spoke clearly and in person, when He came to earth.