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Every election cycle voters put great hopes in their candidates, as leaders who will bring change or stability or both. Yet, there's no one person who will garner everyone's support because people have such diverse concerns and issues.

Recorded history reminds us of the ups and downs of civilizations and cultures. History is cyclical. Life, in general, is cyclical, just as the seasons within a year. The greatness of a nation or era of civilization is preceded and followed by periods of mediocrity or worse.

The problem is consistency and succession of leaders and their governing power. Even religious and theological views vary because they're tied to ever-changing generations and leaders within each generation.

Thankfully, there is one leader who is enduring, trustworthy, and compassionate. He was not elected by people, nor is He limited by human fickleness and frailty. He is powerful, yet humble. Superior, yet approachable.

People need and want strong leaders for the most part. Sometimes strong leaders do well, but too often authority and power corrupts a person. Then, corruption breeds more corruption and oppression is unleashed upon those who desire and need strong leadership.

The problem is that no human leader can be supremely benign and powerful in a way that is fair and beneficial to all. Even very good leaders, well-respected and loved leaders, die because they are human. This creates a leadership vacuum in their absence.

God is often misunderstood or simply unknown for many people. It ought not to be, but it is. Why? Ignorance and indifference are major factors, of course, but for those who claim to be believers, there's really no excuse.

God came to earth in human form. All four gospels give eyewitness accounts of this. Indeed, this is what the celebration of Christmas ought to be all about. And yet, misunderstandings and ignorance prevail.

For one thing, we tend to overemphasize the spiritual and overlook the human factor. Think about it. God once had flesh and bones, lived a daily life on earth, was part of a family, and in community with other people.

Jesus, the Son of God, experienced a real human life for over 30 years. Although in a different time in history and culture, He experienced life as we know it.

For all those who trust in Him, He is our living bridge to God the Father.

The Christian faith is not a set of abstract beliefs. A confession of faith is more than words and thoughts written out or spoken.

Genuine Christian faith is anchored in Jesus. Not only what is believed in Him as the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior of the world, but in relationship with Him.

Genuine Christianity is centered on the person of Jesus Christ, not a set of doctrines to be practiced or beliefs to hold. The book of Hebrews makes this very clear.

There's been a fascination with angels for a long time. It's no wonder. They're creatures of another dimension.

Books are written about angels and they appear in significant places and times in the Bible (Gen 19:1-13; Dan 8:15-27; Luke 1:26-38).

But not all angels are good. Some exist on the dark side of the universe as enemies to God and those who trust in Him. In spite of all their wondrous appearances, abilities, and qualities, God is greater.