All tagged physical

Dying is not a favorite topic for most of us. We want to avoid talking about it and would like to circumvent death itself. But it's inevitable here on earth.

As a pastor, I often saw how awkward most people feel around the survivors of loved ones who've died. What do we say or not say to them?

This is especially true in American culture. Most other cultures have specific customs and beliefs about death. Grief and mourning are natural, not something to ignore or avoid.

So much has been said and written about Jesus Christ over the centuries. Much of it is good and edifying, but not all of it.

Jesus—the man from Nazareth—had a polarizing effect on people. Many who followed Him were not those you'd expect. In fact, many theologians and religious leaders opposed Him.

But there's far more to the person of Jesus Christ than what is known historically. Who He is and the purpose of His presence on earth is often misunderstood.